The African National Women’s Organization’s Cadre Development school is a 6-week virtual program that trains our members, recruits, and any African women interested in learning about the role of African women in the ongoing African revolution.
As a strategy of the African revolution led by the African People’s Socialist Party, ANWO addresses the special oppression faced by African women as a result of the colonial mode of production.
During Cadre School, we engage in the study of revolutionary political theory and deepen our practice of revolutionary activism.
- $30 for members
- $60 for non-members
Cadre School includes but is not limited to:
- 6 2-hour sessions with African women revolutionaries
- Rich course content – videos, audio files, readings, practices
School subjects include but are not limited to:
- Exploring African women’s liberation through an African Internationalist perspective
- Capitalism vs Socialism
- Community organizing
- Practical real-world assignments
- Critical thinking and critical response organizing
Cadre School takes place once every year. Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter to be notified about our next school.