Harriet’s Daughters began in 2014 as a column in the Burning Spear Newspaper. The column was created to report on the issues and concerns of African women.  The Harriet’s Daughters Study Group and Book Clubs (HD Book Club) was created in 2018 to engage locally with African women interested in African literature that centers us.  The HD Book Club has re-launched after being put on hold in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Harriet’s Daughters Study Groups and Book Clubs are monthly virtual or in-person meetings led by the African National Women’s Organization, where black women and femmes come together to discuss books and other literature that center African liberation themes. We invite sisters to join whether they have read the book or not. It’s always a great discussion.

photo of front page of january 2019 front page of the Burning Spear Newspaper.

Since 1968 Burning Spear Newspaper has provided African working class analysis to the masses.   It is the longest working class African revolutionary newspaper in print today.  Harriet’s Daughters has been a standard column since 2014.